ASME PTC 22-2023

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Performance Test Code on Gas Turbines

Published by ASME International, 03/15/2023


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ASME PTC 22, 2023 Edition, 2023 – Performance Test Code on Gas Turbines

This Code provides for the testing of aero-derivative or industrial frame gas turbines supplied with gaseous or liquid fuels (or solid fuels converted to liquid or gas prior to entry into the gas turbine).This Code provides for comparative (back-to-back) tests designed to verify performance differentials of the gas turbine, primarily for testing before and after modifications, uprates, or overhauls. Improvements to achieve additional performance may include application of advanced gas path components, modification of combustion system, control scheme changes, increased mass flow, and changes to the inlet and exhaust systems of the gas turbine.

In developing this Code, the PTC 22 Committee colla borated with the PTC 46 Committee to determine which gas turbine extended scope technologies would be covered within ASME PTC 22 and which would be within ASME PTC 46, Mandatory Appendix I . Table 1-2.2-1 lists what is covered within ASME PTC 22 and ASME PTC 46 with regard to gas turbine testing for extended scope when the specified technolo gies are within the test boundary. The PTC 22 Committee and the PTC 46 Committee agreed that this Code will cover the gas turbine extended scopes when ASME PTC 22 is the appropriate Test Code per Table 1-2.2-1. Refer to ASME PTC 46 for gas turbine extended scope not included in the table.

Additionally, this Code does not apply to the following:

(a) gas turbines where useful output is other than power to drive a generator or other load device.

(b) environmental compliance testing for gas turbines for stack emissions and sound levels. Procedures devel oped by regulatory agencies, the American National Stan dards Institute (ANSI),other ASME PTC committees, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) committees, or another equivalent standard are available to govern the conduct of such testing.

(c) absolute or comparative performance of specific components of the gas turbine.

(d) performance of auxiliary systems of the gas turbine power plant, such as inlet cooling devices, fuel gas booster compressors, and fuel delivery systems.

(e) operational demonstration tests and reliability testing.

(f) itemized performance changes that are the result of multiple actions, such as modifications, repairs, or cleanings (i.e., compressor, inlet air filtration systems, etc.).

General Product Information:

Document Type PDF
ISBN 9780791875322
Pages 118
Document Language English
Publisher American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Status Current


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