ASME PTC 10-2022

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Performance Test Code on Axial and Centrifugal Compressors

Published by ASME International, 08/24/2023


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ASME PTC 10, 2022 Edition, 2023 – Performance Test Code on Axial and Centrifugal Compressors

The scope of ASME PTC 10 includes instructions on test arrangement and instrumentation,test procedure, and methods for

evaluation and reporting of final results.

This Code provides rules for establishing the following quantities, corrected as necessary to represent expected perfor

mance under specified operating conditions with the specified gas:

(a) quantity of gas delivered

(b) pressure rise produced

(c) volume reduction ratio

(d) polytropic work

(e) shaft power required

(f) polytropic efficiency

(g) surge point

(h) choke point

Other than providing methods for calculating mechanical power losses, this Code does not cover rotor dynamics or

other mechanical performance parameters.

1-2.2 Compressor Arrangements

This Code is designed to allowthe testing of single- or multiple-casing axial or centrifugal compressors or combinations

thereof, with one or more sections per casing and with sidestreams.

General Product Information:

Document Type PDF
ISBN 9780791875582
Pages 151
Document Language English
Publisher American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Status Current


Document History