
Managed Pressure Drilling Operations— Controlled Mud Level with a Subsea Blowout Preventer, First Edition

Published by American Petroleum Institute, 09/01/2024


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API RP 92C, First Edition, 2024 – Managed Pressure Drilling Operations— Controlled Mud Level with a Subsea Blowout Preventer, First Edition


This document provides information for planning, installation, testing, and operation of wells drilled, cased,
cemented, completed, or abandoned with controlled mud level (CML) managed pressure drilling (MPD). This
document applies only to drilling rigs with a marine drilling riser and subsea blowout preventers (BOPs).
This document considers situations where the total drilling operation is performed balanced or overbalanced,
including both hydrostatically overbalanced and when mud level is reduced during circulation to a level where
supplemental annular friction pressure may be required to stay overbalanced.

Installation and Use of Blowout Preventers:

Installation, testing, and use of the subsea BOP and associated well control equipment is the same as for
conventional drilling operations and is not included in this publication. Refer to API Standard 53 for information
regarding installation and testing of BOPs in a conventional drilling operation.

General Product Information:

Revision 1st
Document Type PDF
Pages 47
Document Language English
Publisher American Petroleum Institute (API)
Status Current


Document History